The Suwannee Valley Vagabonds chapter was started in 1990 and we have been having fun ever since. We are a north-central Florida chapter that holds monthly weekend rallies from September through May, usually the second weekend of the month. Our reservations/confirmations are required two weeks in advance for planning purposes and many campgrounds require that as well. Our interests are social, eating, shopping, outdoor/indoor games, cards and board games. If there is a local activity going on we may include it. Our typical weekend rally starts on Friday, with some arrivals earlier than that as a personal preference. As we arrive there is social time, and dinner at a local restaurant on Friday night. Saturday breakfast is provided by the hosts for the weekend, followed by business or announcements. Saturday evening dinner is usually a pot luck meal with the hosts providing the meat. We do love to eat. Saturday evening is game and social time. Sunday morning is continental breakfast by the hosts and saying goodbye for another month. We think you will like our group of friendly people. Come and see for yourself.

Ruth Taber

15205 W Hwy 316
Williston, FL 32696 352-502-2564



Chris Minnich          F514429      President

Jack Webb                F528706      Vice President

Ruth Taber               F492547     Secretary

Jean Georgi              F503210     Treasurer

Carl Rich                    F492752     National Director

Open                                               Alternate National Director