Maestro Minot, ND Information

Come in at the Arrival

Holding Staging Area:

Lot S off 31st street.

Parkers work from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Come between those hours only.

Parking Pads Required.

See total convention info; also in packets

Drive in directions


                                      Minot Magic  100th FMCA

International Convention

Minot, ND Rally:

August 14-17, 2019

Maestro Come in date:  

August 11, 2019

Rehearsal:  2:00 PM, Jaycee Building.

Locked Storage Sun-Tues. noon, Jaycee Bldg.

Locked Storage Tue noon -Sat, Dairy Barn.

Music Check Out Aug. 11, Morn

Marston Coach.

Maestro Performances will be in

The Town Center of Activities.

Maestros and all Daytime Entertainment

 In large tent.

Storage at the Dairy Barn during performances.

Pre-Rally Meals:

Sunday PM Aug. 11

  Ky Fried Chicken

Monday AM  Aug 12

Egg Strata with fresh fruit, fruit juice, coffee 

Monday  PM Aug. 12

BBQ pork sandwiches, corn on the cob  

green salad and dessert.

Tuesday AM Aug.13

Scrambled eggs, sausage, strawberry waffles or pancakes with

whipped cream, fresh fruit, juice and coffee.

Tuesday PM  Aug. 13

Ham, Potato Salad,  Baked Beans and dessert

Bring  place settings with beverage to every meal  
$20.00 each person  (for 5 meals)
Cash (preferred) or check, payable to Carol Primesberger.

Music you will need:

Modern Red Book (Rockers)

Original Red Book

Marston Yellow Pages, issued at rally.

Bring empty 3” binder

If you do not have these books

contact Charles or Roxie Marston at or call 615-604-3700

Please use parking pads under levelers.

Info at

Stay connected with EZ-TEXT:

Severe Weather, Special events, Program Additions, Event Updates

Sign up Text: Minot19 to 313131; Canada: 393939

Text Stop:  313131 or 393939

Family Emergency Contact Information

FMCA family members who wish to leave an emergency phone number with friends and family should provide them with the FMCA Information Center number: (513) 256-5779. This number will be in operation beginning

Sunday, August 11, at 8:00 am.

All attendees are required, by order of the fire department,

to carry fire extinguishers on board RVs.

Meetings to be scheduled– watch white board:

Maestro Council, Midwest, Yankee Doodle Dandies

Music will be checked out at the Marston coach, white Allegro bus, in the morning of August 11, 2019.  These are Marston’s Yellow Pages.  You will put them in your empty binder for the week.  Marston Yellow Pages will be checked back in.  Please keep your white envelope to return your Yellow Pages. 

We will have your Volunteer ribbons, bucks and pins at Music Check-out.

Music you are responsible for:  Modern Red Book (Rockers book), Original Red Book and one empty 3” binder.

A schedule will be issued at Music Check Out. 

Your first scheduled rehearsal is August 11 at 2:00 PM, Monday, in the Jaycee Building.

Rehearsals are scheduled August 11, 12 and 13 for various groups in the day and early evening. Schedules will detail these times and groups.  Schedule available at Music Check out, Aug. 11, 2019 at the Marston Coach.

You need Maestro red/whites:  red shirts, white pants.

Complete information: see tab:  2019 Minot 100 th

Maestros will be responsible for 3 morning coffees, one daytime entertainment, ice cream social, chapter fair, Governing Board Anthems, small group.

Midwest will host a pancake breakfast on Tuesday Aug 13, 2019.

Two breakfasts and three evening meals will be offered Aug. 11, 12, and 13, 2019 for a cost of $20 each person. Cash is preferred.  Payable to Carol Primesberger.

This E mail will likely be repeated as a reminder for you.

This information is attached to this E mail.  There are two attachments.

We are looking forward to working with you.

Roxie Marston, FM Captain   615-604-3700 Roxie

Charles Marston, Director     615-604-0201  Charles